This week I are been mostly...
- Flathunting. We live in North London but are looking to relocate to South London. The fiance is moving back to Sheffield to finish uni so my flatmate and I are looking for a new pad. This occasionally means we end up looking at things we can't afford. But that's part of the fun, right? We have so much viewings lined up, we don't know what we are doing anymore.
- Eating Ben and Jerry's. Our local shop is doing it half price, so between the 3 of us, we are keeping the fridge well stocked. Favourites are Half Baked and the Vermonster but I got my eye on Peanut Butter Me Up.
- Buying pretty dresses. I got this Yumi treasure from Rhoda in Crouch End for £30 on Saturday.

- Realising it's now less than a year til our wedding, and bar the venue, nothing is booked in. Cue a million emails to photographers, marquee hire places and DJs.
- Watching Arrested Development. Late to the party as usual, but we're watching a couple of episodes with dinner most evenings so catching up quickly.
- Gymming it. I have Pru Health private medical cover through work, which also gets me 50% off membership at Virgin Active, so I've been heading to the Strand branch to work out after work. Which makes up in a small way for all the ice cream. I love the yoga and pilates classes, and have enjoyed a swim tonight. The pool is only 16m so I had to do 65 lengths to cover 1km! One of the gym instructors has also put me together a killer circuits workout, so I should have arms like Madonna (or something less scary) in no time.
- Remembering. My Boy's Nanna died last week, aged 79. She had been diagnosed with Dementia a couple of years ago and was in a bad way. Her funeral was yesterday so we popped to Essex to remember her with the family. Dementia is a horrible, horrible, undignified thing but she was a brilliant, feisty woman and I am choosing to remember her that way. Should you so wish, you can donate to Dementia UK here.
- Laughing: My flatmate introduced me to Louis CK yesterday. Very funny. Live at the Beacon Theatre is available on Netflix.
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